Les Albertaines du CanWNT obtiennent le blanchissage contre la République de Corée

L’équipe nationale féminine a conclu sa semaine à Edmonton (Alberta) avec une victoire de 3 :0 sur la République de Corée.

Canada WNT ready for Korea Republic and the Edmonton cold

Canada Women’s National Team looking forward to a boisterous crowd to be by its side as it takes on Korea Republic in Edmonton, AB on Wednesday 30 October (kickoff 19.00 local).

Canada WNT prêt à affronter la Républque de Corée et le froid d’Edmonton

L’équipe nationale féminine affrontera la République de Corée à Edmonton (Alberta) le 30 octobre (coup d’envoi 19.00 local)

Sinclair amongst 2013 Top-10 women’s footballers

Sinclair is one of 10 nominees for the 2013 FIFA Women’s Player of the Year Award.

Sheena Dickson appointed to CONCACAF U-17 Women’s Championship

Canadian Soccer Association’s FIFA List referee Sheena Dickson appointed to CONCACAF U-17 Women’s Championship in Montego Bay, Jamaica

Canada MNT to take on Czech Republic in November friendly

Canada’s Men’s National Team will take on the Czech Republic in a Men’s International Friendly on 15 November in Olomouc, CZE.

October 2013: Canada slips worldwide, up one spot in CONCACAF

Canada slipped five spots compared to last month but at the same time has moved up into 12th place in the CONCACAF region.

Canada WNT announces preliminary roster for home friendly in Edmonton

This 18-player preliminary roster will most likely see additional young faces added to the mix by the start of the camp on Thursday 24 October.

Le Canada WNT annonce sa sélection préliminaire pour le match d’Edmonton

Cet alignement préliminaire de 18 joueuses verra probablement l’ajout de nouveaux visages lors du début du camp le 24 octobre.

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