Canada WNT Head Coach John Herdman wants Winnipeg at full voice

BROADCAST ALERT: Fans can watch the Canada v USA friendly live Thursday on Sportsnet 360 at 19.00 local time / 20.00 ET / 17.00 PT.

L’entraîneur John Herdman veut que la foule de Winnipeg se manifeste

ALERTE DE DIFFUSION : Les partisans pourront suivre le match amical opposant le Canada aux États-Unis jeudi soir sur Sportsnet 360 à 19.00 heure locale / 20.00 HE / 17.00 HP.

Great week of activities awaits Winnipeg fans ahead of Canada WNT match

With excitement palpable and continuing to grow ahead of the highly anticipated Canada v USA Women’s International Friendly match set for Thursday 8 May at Investors Group Field in Winnipeg, MB, fans are invited to join in on the celebration through a series of activities designed specifically for them.

Belle semaine d’activités pour les partisans de Winnipeg avant le match des Canadiennes

L’enthousiasme est palpable et croissant avant le match international amical féminin très attendu entre le Canada et les États-Unis, le jeudi 8 mai au Investors Group Field de Winnipeg au Manitoba et les partisans sont invités à se joindre à la fête dans le cadre d’une série d’activités conçues spécialement pour eux.

Canada WNT readies for USA matchup in Winnipeg

Canada’s Women’s National Team will have 21 players arriving into Winnipeg, MB, as they play their first home game of 2014 against their heated rivals out of the United States.

Les Canadiennes se préparent à affronter les Américaines à Winnipeg

Une vingtaine de joueuses de l’équipe nationale féminine du Canada sont attendues à Winnipeg au Manitoba en vue du premier match à domicile de 2014 contre leurs grandes rivales américaines.

FC Edmonton advance to Amway Canadian Championship semi-final with a 3:1 win

FC Edmonton will face Major League Soccer (MLS) opposition in Montréal Impact next Wednesday at Clarke Stadium in the first leg of the Amway Canadian Championship semi-final after a decisive 3:1 victory over Ottawa Fury FC.

Gorrick saves the day for Ottawa in dying moments

The scoreless first leg sets the stage for an entertaining finish, as both teams had chances to win the first leg.

2014 Amway Canadian Championship set to kick off this Wednesday

The seventh edition of the Amway Canadian Championship is set for its kickoff tomorrow, with the first of two preliminary round matches between Ottawa Fury FC and FC Edmonton to be played on Wednesday 23 April at 19.30 local time in Ottawa, ON.

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