FIFA To Move World Cup

Zurich, May 3rd 2003 -The 4th FIFA Women’s World Cup 2003, due to be staged in PR China from 23 September to 11 October, will be transferred to another country in view of the current health threat in China, which is greatly affected by the SARS epidemic.
The FIFA Executive Committee, chaired by President Joseph S. Blatter, passed this decision at its meeting today, in compliance with a unanimous recommendation from the Sports Medical Committee of football’s world governing body (chairman: Dr Michel D’Hooghe, Belgium). The FIFA Sports Medical Committee had advised against holding the world championship in China after consulting experts at the World Health Organisation (WHO) and specialists in epidemiology and travel medicine in universities throughout Europe.

CSA Reacts To World Cup Decision

Ottawa, Ontario – The Canadian Soccer Association today reacted to the news that FIFA has decided to move the 2003 Women’s World Cup from PR China and has awarded the 2007 Women’s World Cup to PR China. The decisions were announced in a media statement issued Saturday, following a meeting of the FIFA Executive Committee in Zurich.
“We support the decision by FIFA to move the tournament which was obviously a very difficult one,” said CSA President Andy Sharpe. “We had anticipated this decision and the possibility of the 2007 World Cup going to China as a result and while we are disappointed we will now turn all of our efforts and attention to hosting the 2011 FIFA Women’s World Cup in Canada.”

Korea Games Cancelled

Ottawa, Ontario – The Canadian Soccer Association regretfully announced today that its two game series against the senior women’s team of Korea, scheduled for June 18 and 20 in Toronto and Montreal, has been cancelled.

The Korea Football Association advised the CSA today that it is unable to fulfill its commitment to Canada of the Asian Football Confederation’s Women’s Championships being rescheduled for June 10-22 in Thailand.

Hamilton Game Moved To Montreal

Ottawa, Ontario – The Canadian Soccer Association today announced its scheduled women’s international against England in Hamilton, Ontario on May 19 has been moved to Montreal. The Football Association contacted the CSA over concerns associated with SARS and requested the change of venue.

“We regret that we have had to move the game from Hamilton but the FA were adamant about not traveling to Toronto and requested the change. While the CSA was willing to host a game in Hamilton and strenuously argued the situation in the Toronto area is under control, we regretfully had to accept the decision taken by the FA,” said CSA Chief Operating Officer Kevan Pipe.

Les Coréennes annulent leur tournée canadienne

Ottawa, Ontario – L’Association canadienne de soccer a annoncé aujourd’hui avec regret que la série de deux matchs amicaux opposant son équipe féminine de Coupe du monde à celle de la Corée du Sud, les 18 et 20 juin à Toronto et à Montréal, a été annulée.

L’Association coréenne de soccer (KFA) a avisé l’ACS aujourd’hui qu’elle n’était pas en mesure de remplir son engagement envers le Canada en raison du championnat de la Confédération asiatique de soccer (AFC) du 10 au 22 juin en Thaïlande.

Le match Canada-Angleterre présenté au Soccerplexe Catalogna

Ottawa, Ontario – L’Association canadienne de soccer (ACS) a annoncé aujourd’hui que le match international amical féminin opposant l’équipe canadienne féminine de Coupe du monde à celle de l’Angleterre, lundi le 19 mai sera disputé au Soccerplexe Catalogna à Lachine, Québec à 19 h 00.

Tous les billets seront de catégorie admission générale et vendus auprès de la Fédération de soccer du Québec (514.252.3068 ou ) au coût de 5$ par personne.

Le Soccerplexe Catalogna est situé au 775, 1ère avenue, à Lachine. Le terrain extérieur est de dimension internationale et recouvert d’une surface de jeu FieldTurf.

CSA Coaches Attend Coaching Symposium

Sean Fleming, National Coaching Development Coach, and Steven Hart, National Junior (Under-17) Head Coach made coaching presentaions at the Saskatchewan Soccer Association’s Investor Group Coaching Symposium held April 26-27 in Saskatoon.

Fleming presented the CSA Club Development Model to approximately 100 coaches, Club Directors, and Directors of the SSA. The presentation was well received and will hopefully will encourage districts and clubs throughout Saskatchewan to consider this model for their coaching and player development. Fleming also put on a training session which highlighted the technical priorities for present National Training Center athletes.

Les États-Unis battent le Canada 6 à 1

Ottawa, Ontario – L’équipe canadienne féminine de Coupe du monde a subi un revers de 6 à 1 aux mains des États-Unis dans un match amical international disputé samedi au stade RFK de Washington.

Le Canada a été une solution de rechange de dernière minute pour ce match après que le Nigeria se soit décommandé de son match prévu contre les Américaines. Les Canadiennes étaient donc seulement 15 et plusieurs des titulaires régulières n’étaient pas disponibles à court terme tandis que d’autres n’ont pas été libérées par leurs clubs.

Les Canadiennes sont quand même parvenues à ouvrir la marque à la septième minute quand Christine Sinclair a reçu une longue passe de Melanie Booth et a facilement battu le gardien Brianna Scurry sur un tir dans le coin inférieur gauche du filet.

USA Defeats Canada 6:1

Ottawa, Ontario – Canada’s Women’s World Cup Team were defeated 6-1 by the United States in a friendly at RFK Stadium in Washington, DC, Saturday.

Canada was a last minute replacement after Nigeria was unable to travel to the United States for the scheduled match. As a result, the Canadians entered the game with only 15 players and without several regular starters, some of whom were unavailable at short notice while others were not released from their clubs.

Canada opened the scoring in the seventh minute when Christine Sinclair received a long ball from Melanie Booth and easily beat US goalkeeper Briana Scurry when she slotted the ball into the lower left hand corner of the net.

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