Canada to play South Africa in November

Canada’s men’s national team announced today that they will travel to Durban, South Africa for an international friendly match in November. The first-ever match between the two nations will occur a few days before the draw for FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010 qualifications.

“We are delighted to have been invited to play the hosts of the 2010 World Cup in Durban,” said Canadian coach Dale Mitchell. “South Africa are looking to build a strong team and will provide a good test in our final match of 2007.”

Letter to all CSA members

The following is a letter from the two Canadian Soccer Association Vice Presidents to all CSA members.
We know that there has been a great deal of interest within the Canadian soccer community about developments at the Canadian Soccer Association. Given your important role in our organization, we wanted to ensure that you hear directly from us about recent activities and upcoming milestones for the CSA.
As you know, we are currently going through a very important leadership transition process. This has naturally attracted media interest and considerable comment – attention that in part reflects the growing popularity of our sport in Canada. The CSA values the passion of our soccer community and welcomes the diversity of views about the future of the game in this country. It is in an exciting time for soccer in Canada. We have achieved much success recently and the future looks even brighter. This is a time for harmony and the tackling of serious challenges by serious and dedicated people.

Canada gets well wishes from home

Canada’s women’s national team received another round of well wishes this morning before their big match against Australia. The letters came from freinds and family back home who sent a note via a special email address – – established with the women’s team’s newest title sponsor Winners.

Canada’s women’s national team is currently in Chengdu, China. They play their third match in the FIFA Women’s World Cup China 2007 against Australia tonight. The match kicks off at 17.00 and will be televised live on CBC (5.00 ET or 2.00 PT). Canada must win to advance to the quarter-final stage.

La FIFA accepte de changer le calendrier des matchs

OTTAWA (ONTARIO) – La FIFA a accepté de remettre les deux matchs prévus aujourd’hui au 20 septembre en raison du typhon Wipha qui s’abat sur la ville de Shanghai. Hier, la FIFA avait annoncé la remise des deux matchs prévus à Hangzhou, à savoir le match 21 opposant la Norvège (Norge) au Ghana et le match 24 opposant le Brésil (Brasil) au Danemark (Danmark) au 20 septembre.

L’équipe canadienne reçoit des messages de soutien depuis le Canada

OTTAWA (ONTARIO) – L’équipe nationale canadienne féminine senior a reçu ce matin de nouveaux mesages de soutien en provenance du Canada avant de se préparer en vue d’affronter l’Australie au cours du match important de ce soir. Les lettres et les messages provenaient d’amis, de proches et d’amateurs au Canada envoyés par l’entremise d’une adresse courriel spéciale, à savoir ou, mise en service grâce au partenariat avec la société Winners, le nouveau commanditaire de l’équipe nationale canadienne féminine.

L’équipe nationale canadienne féminine senior se trouve actuellement à Chengdu, en Chine. Elle disputera ce soir son troisième match dans le cadre de la Coupe du Monde Féminine de la FIFA, Chine 2007, qui l’opposera à l’Australie (Australia). Le coup d’envoi du match est prévu pour 17 h (heure locale), soit 5 h (Heure normale de l’Est) et 2 h (heure Normale du Pacifique). Le Canada doit absolument remporter ce match afin de se qualifier pour l’étape des quarts de finale du tournoi.

FIFA amends schedule

FIFA has moved back both of today’s matches to 20 September. FIFA announced yesterday that matches 21 (Norway-Ghana in Shanghai) and 24 (Brasil-Denmark in Hangzhou) were rescheduled to 20 September in Hangzhou because of the Wipha typhoon. Today’s announcement moves matches 22 (Canada-Australia in Chengdu) and 23 (China-New Zealand in Hangzhou) back one day to 20 September to fall in line with the other two matches.

Both the Canadian and Australian teams were notified of the schedule change roughly two hours before kick off. Neither the coaches or the players from either team had left the hotel for the stadium, although both sides already had team members at the pitch preparing the dressing rooms and benches when the news broke.

Canada prepares for Australia

Listen to coach Even Pellerud

The Canadian women’s national team had their official training session tonight at the Chengdu Sports Center, their last before tomorrow’s win-or-go-home match against Australia. Canada and Australia will kick off on Wednesday 19 September at 17.00. The FIFA Women’s World Cup China 2007 match will be televised live on CBC.

“We expect Australia to play a starting lineup with the same type of combinations that they have had before,” said coach Even Pellerud.

Canada protests schedule change

The Canadian Soccer Association has sent an official letter of protest to FIFA in regards to the FIFA Women’s World Cup China 2007’s decision to move match 22 and not match 21. Both games were supposed to start simultaneously on 19 September at 17.00, but match 22 (Norway vs. Ghana) has been moved back one day to avoid the incoming typhoon Wypha that will hit Shanghai. Match 21 (Canada vs. Australia) is still scheduled for 19 September in Chengdu.

FIFA, in consultation with the Local Organizing Committee and the relevant Chinese authorities, moved both match 21 (Norway vs. Ghana) and match 24 (Brasil vs. Danmark) back one day to Thursday 20 September. Both matches are still scheduled for Shanghai. As such, the four teams playing on 20 September will know the result of the other match in their group before they kick off; Canada vs. Australia and PR China vs. New Zealand are still scheduled for 19 September.

L’équipe canadienne se prépare en vue d’affronter l’Australie

OTTAWA (ONTARIO) – L’équipe nationale canadienne féminine senior a participé ce soit à sa séance d’entraînement officielle au Centre des Sports de Chengdu. Il s’agissait de sa dernière séance avant d’affronter l’Australie (Australia) dans le cadre du match de la dernière chance demain. Si le Canada remporte ce match, il se qualifiera pour le tour suivant; s’il le perd, les joueuses d’Even Pellerud rentreront à la maison.

Le coup d’envoi du match opposant le Canada à l’Australie (Australia) aura lieu le mercredi 19 septembre 2007 à 17 h. Ce match de la Coupe du Monde Féminine de la FIFA, Chine 2007, sera retransmis en direct sur les ondes de la CBC.

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