Pellerud annonce les noms des 18 joueuses qui affronteront la Chine

Ottawa, Ontario – Even Pellerud, l’entraîneur-chef de l’équipe nationale féminine, a aujourd’hui annoncé les noms des 18 joueuses qui participeront à la série de deux matchs amicaux contre la Chine, l’une des équipes les plus fortes de l’Asian Football Confederation (AFC).

Le Canada, qui se trouve actuellement au 11e rang du classement mondial, affrontera les Chinoises (classées 8e) au stade King George V de St. John’s, Terre-Neuve. Les matchs auront lieu le 19 août à 16h (heure locale) et le 22 août à 17h 30 (heure locale). Les deux équipes se connaissent déjà bien, ayant disputé 13 matchs par le passé, y compris la fameuse victoire canadienne en quarts de finale de la Coupe du Monde féminine de 2003 (1-0). A l’issue de ces matchs, le Canada aura disputé plus de matchs contre la Chine que contre toute autre équipe – à l’exception des États-Unis, contre qui le Canada a disputé le nombre époustouflant de 36 matchs.

Canada’s Roster for USA Friendly Released

Ottawa, Ontario – Canada’s Women’s National Team head coach, Even Pellerud, today released his 15-woman roster for the upcoming International friendly against their CONCACAF rivals, USA, on July 30 at the SAS Soccer Park in Cary, North Carolina.

This match will mark the 36th time (3 wins, 3 draws, 29 losses) Canada and the USA have met since their first encounter in 1986, easily the most of any Canadian opponent (China and Brazil are second with 13 matches each).

Canada (11th ranked), is currently riding a six-game unbeaten streak after defeating Sweden 4-2 on July 17. The team is looking to stretch the current four game winning record and continue to gain momentum towards the six-team Women’s Gold Cup™ in November.

Even Pellerud annonce son alignement pour le match amical contre les États-Unis

Ottawa, Ontario – Even Pellerud, l’entraîneur-chef de l’équipe féminine nationale canadienne vient de dévoiler aujourd’hui les noms des 15 joueuses qui vont prendre part au match amical contre leurs vielles rivales de la CONCACAF, l’équipe féminine des États-Unis, le 30 juillet au SAS Soccer Park de Cary en Caroline du Nord.

Ce match sera la 36ème rencontre (3 victoires, 3 matchs nul, 29 défaites) entre le Canada et les États-Unis depuis leur premier match en 1986, ces derniers sont de loin l’équipe contre laquelle le Canada s’est le pus souvent mesuré (la Chine et le Brésil arrivant tous deux en deuxième position avec 13 rencontres chacun).

Le Canada (11ème au classement) entend bien continuer sur sa lancée de six rencontres sans défaite, après sa dernière victoire 4-2 contre la Suède le 17 juillet dernier. Une cinquième victoire consécutive ne serait pas sans déplaire à l’équipe canadienne qui se prépare activement à disputer la Gold Cup en novembre prochain.

Tickets for Canada vs Jamaica in Montreal Now on Sale!

Ottawa, Ontario – The Canadian Soccer Association (CSA) is pleased to announce that tickets for the Men’s National team game against Jamaica on Monday, September 4 (Labour Day) at 4:00 p.m. in Montreal at the Complexe sportif Claude-Robillard are now on sale.

Tickets are priced at $25.00 for the Grandstand seats (Reserved) and $15.00 for the Bleacher and End zones seats (General Admission) plus applicable taxes and are available through Admission at (514) 790-1245 or 1-800-361-4595 and online at Tickets are also available by calling the Montreal Impact ticket office at (514) 328-3668.

The Quebec Soccer Federation and its members are able to purchase General Admission tickets at a special rate of $10.00 by contacting Quebec Soccer at (450) 975-3355 ext. 3538.

Bate Resigns from Association

Ottawa, Ontario – The Canadian Soccer Association (CSA) has accepted the resignation of Technical Director, Richard Bate, effective immediately. Bate has accepted the Technical Director’s position with newly promoted English Premiership side Watford Football Club, where he is expected to oversee the club’s technical programs.
“It has been a real pleasure for me to have been here in Canada for the past 10 months as the country’s Technical Director,” said Bate. “I have travelled from coast to coast, met many fine people in the short time I have been here, and have commenced many new technical initiatives which I believe will have a lasting and positive benefit for soccer in Canada.”

Canada’s Roster for Sweden Friendly Released

Ottawa, Ontario – Canada’s Women’s National Team head coach, Even Pellerud, has released his 19-woman roster for Canada’s upcoming International friendly against Sweden on July 18th in Blaine, MN, USA.

The match will be a part of the Schwan’s USA Cup festivities and will follow the Sweden vs. USA game scheduled for July 15. Tickets for the matches can be purchased through the Schwan’s USA Cup organizers – 763-717-3239 – or at and US Soccer’s official website at

The match against a 5th ranked Sweden will undoubtedly provide Pellerud with an excellent gauge as to how his squad has been progressing throughout the early summer months.

Pellerud annonce ses 19 joueuses pour affronter la Suède

Ottawa, Ontario – L’entraîneur-chef de la sélection féminine senior canadienne, Even Pellerud, a dévoilé les noms des 19 joueuses qui participeront au prochain match international amical contre la Suède, le 18 juillet prochain, à Blaine, dans le Minnesota.

Le match aura lieu dans le cadre de la « Schwan’s USA Cup » et suivra le match opposant la Suède aux Etats-Unis, le 15 juillet. Les billets pour les matchs sont disponibles auprès des organisateurs de la « Schwan’s USA Cup » au 763-717-3239, ou sur le site Internet et le site Internet officiel de US Soccer à

Le match contre la Suède permettra à Pellerud de mesurer les progrès de son effectif au cours des derniers mois, face à une équipe qui occupe la cinquième place au classement mondial.

Stephen Hart Announced as Interim Head Coach

Ottawa, Ontario – The Canadian Soccer Association (CSA) today named current U-17 head coach and men’s national team assistant coach, Stephen Hart, as the interim head coach of the Canadian Men’s National Team, effective immediately through to the end of 2006.

The team has been without a head coach since Frank Yallop resigned and returned to Major League Soccer on June 7, 2006.

“I am both honoured and flattered that the Association has shown the faith in me to take over the team in the interim,” said Hart. “Obviously this is another transition period for the National Program; however, this is the nature of professional sport. “

Partners Officially Launch the National Soccer Stadium at Exhibition Place

Ottawa, Ontario – The Canadian Soccer Association (CSA) and its partners – Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment Limited (MLSEL), the Ontario and Federal Governments as well as the City of Toronto today officially declared the National Soccer Stadium at Exhibition Place in Toronto, Ontario a reality.
The Federal Government, through Infrastructure Canada, has agreed to contribute $27-million while the Ontario Government has committed a further $8-million. The City of Toronto will contribute the land and $9.8-million and will own the stadium. MLSEL has agreed to pay a total of $18-million ($8-million toward the construction and a further $10-million to secure the naming rights for the stadium). The group has also agreed to provide a $2-million guarantee against operational losses.
“Having just been elected as the President of the CSA in May, I’m delighted that the National Soccer Stadium at Exhibition Place in downtown Toronto has become a reality as it will become the major venue for the CSA and all of our National teams for many years to come,” stated Colin Linford, President, CSA.

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