Le Canada affrontera le Ghana

L’équipe nationale féminine du Canada affrontera le Ghana demain à son deuxième match de la Coupe du Monde Féminine de la FIFA 2007 en Chine. Cette rencontre sera disputée à 17 h (heure locale) au stade Dragon de Hangzhou et sera télédiffusée en direct sur les ondes de la télévision anglaise de Radio-Canada (4 h 45, heure de l’Est ou 1 h 35, heure du Pacifique).

Canadian women make early preparations for Ghana

Listen to coach Even Pellerud

Canada’s women’s national team had a light training session today at the Zhejiang College of Sports in Hangzhou. The women are in between matches at the FIFA Women’s World Cup China 2007. After a 1:2 loss to Norway (Norge) on Wednesday night, they are now preparing for their match against Ghana on Saturday (15 September).

Starters from the previous night’s match had a light workout while the rest of the players were able to do more in training. The coaches were also split up: two coaches went to the training session while two coaches stayed back at the hotel to review match video of their most recent game and their upcoming opponent, Ghana. Ghana lost their opening match 1:4 to Australia last night.

Les Canadiennes se préparent tôt en vue d’affronter le Ghana

Écoutez les propos de l’entraîneur-chef Even Pellerud

L’équipe nationale canadienne féminine senior a bénéficié d’une séance d’entraînement légère aujourd’hui au Collège de formation sportive de Zhejiang, à Hangzhou. L’équipe féminine se trouve entre des matchs de la Coupe du Monde Féminine de la FIFA, Chine 2007. À la suite de sa défaite contre la Norvège (Norge) par un score de 1 à 2, mercredi soir, les joueuses se préparent actuellement en vue d’affronter leur prochain adversaire, à savoir le Ghana. Ce match aura lieu samedi prochain, soit le 15 septembre.

Le onze du départ du match de la veille a fait un court décrassage, alors que les autres joueuses ont été mises davantage à l’épreuve. Les entraîneurs se sont aussi séparés. Deux ont organisé la séance d’entraînement, alors que les deux autres sont restés à l’hôtel pour revoir la bande vidéo du match du match contre la Norvège et visionner le dernier match de leur adversaire, le Ghana. Le Ghana a perdu au cours de son match d’ouverture hier soir, s’inclinant par un score de 1 à 4 devant l’Australie.

Three draws on match day II

On the second day of the FIFA Women’s World Cup China 2007, all six

countries in action put a point on the board. Japan and England played

to a 1:1 draw in Shanghai while in Chengdu the United States and DPR

Korea played to a 2:2 draw and Nigeria and Sweden (Sverige) played to

a 1:1 draw.

In the United States-DPR Korea match, two-time champions United States

opened the scoring in the 50th minute with a goal by Abby Wambach. The

North Koreans countered with goals by Kil Son Hui (58′) and Kim Yong

Ae (62′) before Heather O’Reilly equalised in the 69th minute.

The Americans have four remaining world champions from their USA 1999

run, including captain Kristine Lilly who was also a champion at China

1991. Lilly is the first five-time player at the FIFA Women’s World

Cup. Lilly, Kate Markgraf and Christie Rampone were all starters while

Briana Scurry was the back-up goaltender. Goalscorer O’Reilly,

meanwhile, is one of four alumni from the FIFA U-19 Women’s World

Championship Canada 2007. Lori Chalupny was also in the lineup while

Leslie Osborne and Lindsay Tarpley did not feature.

Canada has final practice before first match

Canada’s women’s national team had their final practice tonight in Hangzhou

before their opening match at the FIFA Women’s World Cup tomorrow. The

Canucks had a closed training session at the Hangzhou Dragon Stadium, the same place they will face Norway at 20.00 in the second of two Group C

matches on Wednesday night.

Canada is taking part in its fourth-straight FIFA Women’s World Cup

this year. Their Group C opponents are Norway, Ghana (15 September)

and Australia (19 September). Canada has never defeated Norway in eight tries, although they do have two draws. Norway is currently listed fourth in the FIFA/Coca-Cola Women’s World Rankings while Canada is listed ninth.

Trois matchs nul au cours de la deuxième journée du tournoi

OTTAWA (ONTARIO) – Tous les six pays qui ont disputé un match au cours de la deuxième journée de la Coupe du Monde Féminine de la FIFA, Chine 2007, peuvent être assez satisfaits de leur travail, puisqu’ils ont tous réussi à enregistrer un point au classement.

Le Japon (Nihon) et l’Angleterre (England) ont fait match nul par un score de 2 à 2 à Shanghai, alors que les deux matchs à Chengdu, opposant les États-Unis (United States) à la RPD Corée et le Nigeria à la Suède (Sverige) se sont également soldés par un score nul (2 à 2 et 1 à 1 respectivement).

Dernier entraînement du Canada avant le premier match

L’équipe nationale féminine du Canada a effectué son dernier entraînement ce soir à Hangzhou avant son premier match de la ronde préliminaire de la Coupe du Monde Féminine de la FIFA demain. Les Canadiennes ont tenu leur session d’entraînement à huis clos au stade Dragon de Hangzhou, le même endroit où elles affronteront la Norvège, mercredi soir à 20 h à leur deuxième match au sein du Groupe C.

China unveils stamp for FIFA Women’s World Cup

To commemorate the fifth edition of the FIFA Women’s World Cup, China Post has issued a special 1,20 Yuan postage stamp. The stamp was unveiled at the Shanghai Hongkou Stadium with, amongst municipal, organising committee and federation delegates, retired Chinese star Sun Wen in attendance.

“It is a great honour that the China Post today released this special stamp to commemorate the FIFA Women’s World Cup returning to its cradle as it’s maiden edition took place here in China back in 1991. Football-related stamps have been much sought-after collectors’ items for decades. I would like to thank China Post and the designer Wang Hong for this great visual element and their commitment to women’s football,” said Wowari Makudi, chairman of the Committee for Women’s Football and the FIFA Women’s World Cup.

Germany smashed Argentina in opening match

With nine world champions in their starting XI, Germany (Deutschland)

easily defeated Argentina in the opening match of the FIFA Women’s

World Cup China 2007 tonight. The Germans won 11:0 at the Shanghai

Hongkou Football Stadium. Captain and three-time FIFA Women’s World

Player of the Year Birgit Prinz scored three times.

“It was much more straightforward than we thought it would be,

although it was made easy for us because they gave us so much room,”

said Prinz. “The coaches did tell us that beforehand, but we didn’t

really want to believe it. Would I say we played to perfection? No, I

wouldn’t say that. OK, we scored more goals than we ever thought we

would today, but we still made too many mistakes. Everything has to

come together for perfection.”

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