AS Saint-Lambert wins 2022 Classics Regional Championship

Canada Soccer

AS Saint-Lambert won Canada Soccer’s 2022 Western Classics regional championship in Edmonton, Alberta. Saint-Lambert went undefeated across three matches in the weekend tournament at the Bill Gilhespy Soccer Facilities.

Saint-Lambert’s winning side featured Catherine Chagnon Beaulieu, Sarah Bernard-Lacaille, Marie-Pier Bilodeau, Christine Corriveau, Sabrina Dufour, Andréanne Gagné, Andrée Gariépy, Cindy Gauthier, Marie-Ève Jacques, Valérie Labelle, Marianne Lamarre, Anne-Isabelle Lavigne, Émilie Mercier, Amélie Nadeau, Véronique Rabret-Filion, Claudianne Tremblay, Stéphanie Tremblay, Mélissa Villeneuve-Poirier, Marie-Ève Viviers-Rosa and Cindy Walsh. The team was coached by Alex Da Rocha.

The weekend tournament featured a round-robin format with teams from British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Québec. Each team played on a successive days from 23 to 25 September. Players in the competition are all 30 years or older.

Both AS Saint-Lambert and Calgary Alliance finished tied on seven points, but AS Saint-Lambert won the tournament with a greater goal difference. The Québec-based team won 1:0 over Coquitlam Metro-Ford FC on Friday, won 11:0 over FC Regina Bluestars on Saturday, and drew 1:1 with Calgary Alliance on Sunday morning.