A Sitdown With Sam Adekugbe

Sam Adekugbe opens up ahead of the 2024 TELUS Canadian Championship Final.

Q: You’ve been through a season of ups and downs with injuries sidelining you on several occasions. How do you manage to get through these tougher times?

A: Tough times are a natural part of any athlete’s journey, but I’ve learned that having a strong support system and staying focused on recovery is key to getting through them. My girlfriend, family, and dog have played a huge role in keeping me grounded. Seeing the success during the Copa America and Vancouver Whitecaps perform well this season has also kept me motivated. 

Q: In August 2013, you signed your first contract with the Whitecaps. Looking back, what advice would you give to the 18-year-old Sam Adekugbe who was just starting his career in the professional game? 

A:  ⁠I’d tell my younger self to embrace the process, both the highs and lows. At 18, I think I was too naive. It’s important to stay patient, trust the journey, and never lose sight of why you started in the first place. 

Q: You’re someone who is really close to your family and everybody loved your mom’s viral moment at the World Cup, can you tell us how influential your family was in your journey ?

A: My family is everything to me. Their support has been constant from day one. My mom especially has always encouraged and prayed for me. Seeing her joy during the World Cup was a reminder of the sacrifices they’ve made.

Q: Who inspires you ? 

A: My biggest inspiration comes from my family. My parents in particular. They’ve always shown me the value of hard work and perseverance. Seeing how much they’ve given up for my success inspires me to give my all.

Adekugbe will look to win the TELUS Canadian Championship for the second time in his career, this time, playing a significant role for his Whitecaps.