A strategic initiative to foster gender equity within Canada Soccer’s advanced coaching landscape.
Year 2 of the AccelerateHER Program is a fully funded all-women Concacaf B Diploma offered in both official languages. The program is a strategic initiative to foster gender equity within Canada Soccer’s advanced coaching landscape. There are 36 available spots for the AccelerateHER B Diploma.
Target Coach:
The B Diploma was designed for those coaching Youth Standard Based Leagues, College, University, and/or Youth Academy players. Priority acceptance will be given to those actively coaching in those environments.
Start Date:
October 2025
Course Duration:
134 hours (12 months)
Learning Environment:
Coaches must attend 100% of the in-person and online sessions to be licenced.
Licence Validity:
Upon successful completion of the B Diploma, the coach will receive a coaching licence valid for three (3) years. The licence may be maintained by following the Canada Soccer Maintenance and Renewal Process.
Admission Process:
Please note: If you’ve already applied for the Concacaf B Diploma through Advanced Coach Education, Canada Soccer Coach Education will contact you to confirm your interest in applying for the AccelerateHER B-Diploma and provide an application.
The fully-funded Diploma includes:
Additional Fees:
Coaches will be required to cover any additional costs of travel, accommodations, and meals when attending the in-person sessions. Any costs associated with video recording of practical coaching sessions will be at the coach’s expense.
2025/26 AccelerateHER B Diploma Workshop In–Person Information:
November 2025 & July 2026 – Exact dates TBD
For any inquiries, please email bnash@canadasoccer.com