Women’s Advanced Coach Education Program

A strategic initiative to foster gender equity within Canada Soccer’s advanced coaching landscape.


Year 2 of the AccelerateHER Program is a fully funded all-women Concacaf B Diploma offered in both official languages. The program is a strategic initiative to foster gender equity within Canada Soccer’s advanced coaching landscape. There are 36 available spots for the AccelerateHER B Diploma. 

Target Coach: 

The B Diploma was designed for those coaching Youth Standard Based Leagues, College, University, and/or Youth Academy players. Priority acceptance will be given to those actively coaching in those environments. 


  • Valid Canadian C Diploma or approved International Equivalent that has been held for a minimum of 12 months 
  • Currently coaching a youth or senior team 
  • Valid Criminal Record Check 

Start Date: 

October 2025 

Course Duration: 

134 hours (12 months) 

Learning Environment: 

  • 2 x 3.5 days, in-person (classroom & field), 
  • Independent Online Learning (asynchronous), 
  • Collaborative Online Learning (synchronous), 
  • Collaborative Group Learning (mentor supported) 
  • Delivered in both official languages.  


Coaches must attend 100% of the in-person and online sessions to be licenced. 

Licence Validity: 

Upon successful completion of the B Diploma, the coach will receive a coaching licence valid for three (3) years. The licence may be maintained by following the Canada Soccer Maintenance and Renewal Process. 

Admission Process: 

  • Application Window: Open from March 8 – May 30, 2025. The application form will be turned off at the end of the business day on May 30. No applications received after this time will be eligible for consideration. 
  • Application Review: All applicants will be screened during the months of May and June, with responses to all applicants no later than June 30, 2025.  
  • Selected candidates will have thirty (30) days to accept their place on the course. If a selected candidate rejects their place on the course, it will be offered to the next suitable candidate.  

Please note: If you’ve already applied for the Concacaf B Diploma through Advanced Coach Education, Canada Soccer Coach Education will contact you to confirm your interest in applying for the AccelerateHER B-Diploma and provide an application.  


The fully-funded Diploma includes: 

  • Free entry into the Diploma 
  • $500 travel bursary 
  • Ongoing mentor support throughout the course 
  • Full access to all course content 
  • In-person classroom and field rentals 
  • Use of course delivery tools for in-person, online asynchronous, and online synchronous sessions 
  • Canada Soccer-branded Nike equipment (excluding boots and trainers)  

Additional Fees: 

Coaches will be required to cover any additional costs of travel, accommodations, and meals when attending the in-person sessions. Any costs associated with video recording of practical coaching sessions will be at the coach’s expense.  

2025/26 AccelerateHER B Diploma Workshop In–Person Information:  

November 2025 & July 2026 – Exact dates TBD 



For any inquiries, please email bnash@canadasoccer.com
