Canada Soccer seeks nominations for its Board of Directors beginning May 2022

Vice President-Elect, Directors for AB/NWT, NS/NB/PE/NL and two Independent Directors sought.

Canada Soccer has opened a call for nominations ahead of its 2022 Annual Meeting of the Members to fill roles on its Board of Directors beginning in May 2022. The roles are for Vice President-Elect (four-year term), two Elected Director positions (AB/NWT and NS/NB/PE/NL), and two Independent Directors (three-year terms).   The Nominations Committee is seeking qualified candidates to play a leadership role in the stewardship of Canada Soccer in pursuit of its Mission to “provide leadership in the pursuit of excellence in soccer, nationally and internationally, in cooperation with its members and stakeholders.”

Candidates with expertise in the areas of Finance, Risk Management, Director of Publicly Traded/Private Company, Sport Governance, Commercialization and Revenue Generation, and Traditional and Social Media are being sought, though all with a strong interest in soccer in Canada should consider submitting.

Candidates should complete and submit the required documentation available at no later than 16:00 ET Friday 4 March. Independent Director candidates can expect a telephone interview by 17 March.