Canada’s Roster for Sweden Friendly Released

Ottawa, Ontario – Canada’s Women’s National Team head coach, Even Pellerud, has released his 19-woman roster for Canada’s upcoming International friendly against Sweden on July 18th in Blaine, MN, USA.

The match will be a part of the Schwan’s USA Cup festivities and will follow the Sweden vs. USA game scheduled for July 15. Tickets for the matches can be purchased through the Schwan’s USA Cup organizers – 763-717-3239 – or at and US Soccer’s official website at

The match against a 5th ranked Sweden will undoubtedly provide Pellerud with an excellent gauge as to how his squad has been progressing throughout the early summer months.

Pellerud annonce ses 19 joueuses pour affronter la Suède

Ottawa, Ontario – L’entraîneur-chef de la sélection féminine senior canadienne, Even Pellerud, a dévoilé les noms des 19 joueuses qui participeront au prochain match international amical contre la Suède, le 18 juillet prochain, à Blaine, dans le Minnesota.

Le match aura lieu dans le cadre de la « Schwan’s USA Cup » et suivra le match opposant la Suède aux Etats-Unis, le 15 juillet. Les billets pour les matchs sont disponibles auprès des organisateurs de la « Schwan’s USA Cup » au 763-717-3239, ou sur le site Internet et le site Internet officiel de US Soccer à

Le match contre la Suède permettra à Pellerud de mesurer les progrès de son effectif au cours des derniers mois, face à une équipe qui occupe la cinquième place au classement mondial.

Stephen Hart Announced as Interim Head Coach

Ottawa, Ontario – The Canadian Soccer Association (CSA) today named current U-17 head coach and men’s national team assistant coach, Stephen Hart, as the interim head coach of the Canadian Men’s National Team, effective immediately through to the end of 2006.

The team has been without a head coach since Frank Yallop resigned and returned to Major League Soccer on June 7, 2006.

“I am both honoured and flattered that the Association has shown the faith in me to take over the team in the interim,” said Hart. “Obviously this is another transition period for the National Program; however, this is the nature of professional sport. “

Partners Officially Launch the National Soccer Stadium at Exhibition Place

Ottawa, Ontario – The Canadian Soccer Association (CSA) and its partners – Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment Limited (MLSEL), the Ontario and Federal Governments as well as the City of Toronto today officially declared the National Soccer Stadium at Exhibition Place in Toronto, Ontario a reality.
The Federal Government, through Infrastructure Canada, has agreed to contribute $27-million while the Ontario Government has committed a further $8-million. The City of Toronto will contribute the land and $9.8-million and will own the stadium. MLSEL has agreed to pay a total of $18-million ($8-million toward the construction and a further $10-million to secure the naming rights for the stadium). The group has also agreed to provide a $2-million guarantee against operational losses.
“Having just been elected as the President of the CSA in May, I’m delighted that the National Soccer Stadium at Exhibition Place in downtown Toronto has become a reality as it will become the major venue for the CSA and all of our National teams for many years to come,” stated Colin Linford, President, CSA.

Canada’s Women to Play Sweden, USA, China, and France this Summer

Ottawa, Ontario – The Canadian National Women’s team have six International Friendlies lined up over the next few months as Even Pellerud’s squad continues to prepare for the CONCACAF Qualifying Tournament in November of this year. The tournament will determine the CONCACAF representatives (2.5 teams) for next year’s FIFA Women’s World Cup in China.

Canada will begin their busy two months in Blaine, MN where they are scheduled to play against Sweden on July 18, 2006. The match will be a part of the Schwan’s USA Cup festivities and will follow the Sweden vs. USA game scheduled for July 15. Tickets for the matches can be purchased through the Schwan’s USA Cup organizers – 763-717-3239 – or at and US Soccer’s official website at

L’équipe féminine senior affrontera la Suède, les États-Unis, la Chine et la France cet été

Ottawa, Ontario – L’équipe nationale féminine senior du Canada disputera six matchs internationaux amicaux au cours des prochains mois en préparation au Tournoi qualificatif de la CONCACAF qui se déroulera en novembre. Le tournoi déterminera les représentants de la CONCACAF (2,5 équipes) qui participeront à la Coupe du Monde de Football Féminin de la FIFA, en Chine, l’an prochain.

Le Canada commencera ces deux mois bien chargés à Blaine, dans le Minnesota, où la sélection d’ Even Pellerud affrontera la Suède, le 18 juillet prochain. Le match fait partie de la « Schwan’s USA Cup » et se déroule après le match opposant le Suède aux USA le 15 juillet. Les billets pour les matchs sont disponibles auprès des organisateurs de la Schwan’s USA Cup au (763) 717-3239 ou sur et sur le site Internet officiel de US Soccer à

Playing Smart Soccer!

Smart Soccer is an injury prevention program designed for soccer players (ages 6 – 14), their parents, teachers and coaches. With the help of the Canadian Soccer Association, this information guide has been created to enhance knowledge about the importance of injury prevention in soccer. This program is an education booklet, available in English and French, which provides important safety and injury prevention knowledge on issues including equipment, weather, technique, skill, and injury. Please download your free copy of the booklet today. (.pdf) (3 MB)

Pellerud Releases Roster for Italy Friendly

Ottawa, Ontario – Canada’s Women’s head coach, Even Pellerud, has released his 17-woman roster for the upcoming June 25th International Friendly against Italy. The Canadians will host the Italians at Centennial Stadium in Toronto with the kickoff scheduled for 6:00 pm ET.

The Italian friendly will kickoff a very busy few months for Pellerud’s squad as he begins to ramp up his preparations for qualification for the FIFA Women’s World Cup in China next summer. The Canadians have lined up several friendlies between now and late August with high ranking teams from CONCACAF, Asia, and Europe (details to be released soon) but the Italian friendly will be the first stern test for his team since the two-game Holland series in mid March 2006.

Pellerud annonce son groupe de joueuses pour le match amical contre l’Italie

Ottawa, Ontario – Even Pellerud, l’entraîneur-chef de l’équipe féminine senior du Canada, a dévoilé les noms des 17 joueuses qui participeront au match amical contre l’Italie, le 25 juin prochain. Le Canada accueillira l’Italie au stade Centennial de Toronto. Le coup d’envoi est prévu pour 18 h (heure de l’Est).

Ce match amical marque le début d’une période fort chargée pour la sélection de Pellerud, qui entame ainsi ses préparatifs pour les matchs de qualification en vue de la Coupe du Monde féminine de la FIFA, qui aura lieu en Chine l’été prochain. Le Canada a organisé plusieurs matchs amicaux prestigieux entre maintenant et la fin août contre de grandes équipes des régions de la CONCACAF, de l’Asie et de l’Europe (dont les détails seront annoncés prochainement), mais ce match contre l’Italie est la première épreuve difficile pour l’équipe depuis la série face aux Pays-Bas, en mars dernier.

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