La FIFA accepte de changer le calendrier des matchs

OTTAWA (ONTARIO) – La FIFA a accepté de remettre les deux matchs prévus aujourd’hui au 20 septembre en raison du typhon Wipha qui s’abat sur la ville de Shanghai. Hier, la FIFA avait annoncé la remise des deux matchs prévus à Hangzhou, à savoir le match 21 opposant la Norvège (Norge) au Ghana et le match 24 opposant le Brésil (Brasil) au Danemark (Danmark) au 20 septembre.

Canada prepares for Australia

Listen to coach Even Pellerud

The Canadian women’s national team had their official training session tonight at the Chengdu Sports Center, their last before tomorrow’s win-or-go-home match against Australia. Canada and Australia will kick off on Wednesday 19 September at 17.00. The FIFA Women’s World Cup China 2007 match will be televised live on CBC.

“We expect Australia to play a starting lineup with the same type of combinations that they have had before,” said coach Even Pellerud.

Canada protests schedule change

The Canadian Soccer Association has sent an official letter of protest to FIFA in regards to the FIFA Women’s World Cup China 2007’s decision to move match 22 and not match 21. Both games were supposed to start simultaneously on 19 September at 17.00, but match 22 (Norway vs. Ghana) has been moved back one day to avoid the incoming typhoon Wypha that will hit Shanghai. Match 21 (Canada vs. Australia) is still scheduled for 19 September in Chengdu.

FIFA, in consultation with the Local Organizing Committee and the relevant Chinese authorities, moved both match 21 (Norway vs. Ghana) and match 24 (Brasil vs. Danmark) back one day to Thursday 20 September. Both matches are still scheduled for Shanghai. As such, the four teams playing on 20 September will know the result of the other match in their group before they kick off; Canada vs. Australia and PR China vs. New Zealand are still scheduled for 19 September.

L’équipe canadienne se prépare en vue d’affronter l’Australie

OTTAWA (ONTARIO) – L’équipe nationale canadienne féminine senior a participé ce soit à sa séance d’entraînement officielle au Centre des Sports de Chengdu. Il s’agissait de sa dernière séance avant d’affronter l’Australie (Australia) dans le cadre du match de la dernière chance demain. Si le Canada remporte ce match, il se qualifiera pour le tour suivant; s’il le perd, les joueuses d’Even Pellerud rentreront à la maison.

Le coup d’envoi du match opposant le Canada à l’Australie (Australia) aura lieu le mercredi 19 septembre 2007 à 17 h. Ce match de la Coupe du Monde Féminine de la FIFA, Chine 2007, sera retransmis en direct sur les ondes de la CBC.



Canada ranked third in CONCACAF

Canada’s men’s national team is now the third-ranked country in the CONCACAF region. Canada and Costa Rica switched positions in the latest FIFA/Coca-Cola World Rankings which were released today. The rankings look back at each country’s record from the past four years.

Mexico and the United States are still ranked one-two amongst all CONCACAF countries in the world. They both rank amongst the top-20 nations.

Canada trains in Chengdu

Canada’s women’s national team took in their second training in Chengdu today at the Chengdu Jinniu Stadium. The team practised a full two hours before taking the afternoon off to visit the world-famous Panda Research and Breeding Base.

Canada’s training went from 11.00-13.00. The training was preceeded by a team photograph, which was simultaneously captured on film by FIFA broadcasting partner, the Canadian Broadcast Corporation. Canada’s trip to the Panda Research and Breeding Base was also followed by CBC.

L’équipe canadienne féminine s’entraîne à Chengdu

OTTAWA (ONTARIO) – L’équipe nationale canadienne féminine senior a participé à sa deuxième séance d’entraînement à Chengdu aujourd’hui. L’équipe s’est entraînée pendant deux heures au Stade Jinniu de Chengdu avant de s’accorder un après-midi de repos bien mérité pour visiter la Base des Recherches et d’Élevages des Pandas.

L’entraînement s’est déroulé de 11 h à 13 h. Avant la séance, les joueuses ont posé pour une photo d’équipe, et le tout était enregistré simultanément par le partenaire officiel de la FIFA en télédiffusion, la Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC). La visite à la Base des Recherches et d’Élevages des Pandas était également filmée par la CBC.

Canada arrives in Chengdu

Listen to coach Even Pellerud

The Canadian women’s national team arrived in Chengdu today in anticipation of their third match in the opening round of the FIFA Women’s World Cup China 2007. Canada will face Australia in their third and final match of Group C on Wednesday 19 September at the Chengdu Sports Center Stadium. Canada needs to win to advance to the next round.

“Most of the players played close to their potential against Ghana,” said coach Even Pellerud. “We got a good result, we scored four goals which gave us confidence… We are now moving into the crucial game against Australia… They are much more physical, more soccer experienced, and they have very fast forwards.”

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