Building a better future: new leaders get 50-day recap

Those were 50 busy days for the Association. Reaching back to 20 March and running through 8 May, the Canadian Soccer Association made great strides en route to building a better future for the game in Canada.
With the election by acclamation of new president Dr. Dominic Maestracci in May, the Association has set its sights on a better future for the beautiful game in this nation. At the root of the vision – which will lead the Association to its 100th anniversary in 2012 – is a new strategic plan. The plan’s framework was endorsed at the Association’s Annual General Meeting on 3 May. Plans have begun for a special strategic soccer summit which will be held in the fall.

Women’s players assist with Shelter from the Storm campaign

Members of Canada’s women’s national team were on hand this Thursday 8 May for the Canadian Women’s Foundation Annual Radiothon. The players were there in support of the Shelter from the Storm campaign, a ground-breaking national campaign dedicated to stopping violence against women.

Katie Thorlakson, Amy Vermeulen, Lexi Marton, Stephanie Labbé and Julie Armstrong all took time away from the team’s residency camp in Vancouver to help answer calls and take pledges during the event. Shelter from the Storm is the largest awareness campaign in Canada dedicated to stopping violence against women. The campaign raises much-needed money for shelters and programs.

La campagne « À l’abri de la tempête »

Des membres de l’équipe nationale canadienne féminine senior ont participé, ce jeudi 8 mai, au radiothon annuel de la Fondation canadienne des femmes. Les joueuses ont apporté leur soutien à la campagne « À l’abri de la tempête », une campagne nationale innovante dont l’objectif est de mettre fin à la violence faite aux femmes.

Julie Armstrong, Katie Thorlakson, Amy Vermeulen, Lexi Marton et Stephanie Labbé se sont libérées de leur camp résidentiel à Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique, pour aider à répondre aux téléphones et accepter les dons à l’occasion de l’événement. « À l’abri de la tempête » est la plus importante campagne de sensibilisation au Canada qui a pour objectif de mettre fin à la violence faite aux femmes. La campagne sert à lever les fonds nécessaires pour financer les maisons d’hébergement et les programmes prévus à cet effet.

Canada announces roster for USA friendly

Canada-USA, take III.

Canada’s women’s national team has arrived in Washington, DC in preparation of this Saturday’s friendly with the United States, the top-ranked women’s program in the world. Canada is already facing the United States for the third time this season.

Le Canada dévoile son effectif avant la rencontre à Washington

Canada – États-Unis, version 3.

L’équipe nationale canadienne féminine senior est arrivée à Washington DC en vue d’affronter, samedi, les États-Unis dans le cadre d’un match international amical. Les États-Unis sont classés au premier rang mondial de la FIFA. Il s’agira du troisième match opposant les deux équipes nord-américaines, cette saison.

Association celebrates Olympic berth

The Canadian Soccer Association congratulated its women’s national team today at a private lunch in Vancouver, BC. The women’s national team recently became the first team in Association history to qualify for the Women’s Olympic Football Tournament.

“The Canadian Soccer Association’s Board of Directors joins me in recognising your accomplishment in qualifying for this year’s Olympic Games,” said president Dominic Maestracci. “We are very proud of your performance that has inspired the Canadian soccer community. We wish you all the best success at this summer’s Games.”

L’Association célèbre sa qualification olympique

L’Association canadienne de soccer a félicité son équipe nationale canadienne féminine senior, aujourd’hui, au cours d’un lunch privé à Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique. L’équipe nationale féminine senior est récemment devenue la première équipe canadienne de l’histoire ayant réussi à se qualifier pour le Tournoi Olympique de Football Féminin.

Selon le président de l’Association canadienne de soccer, M. Dominic Maestracci : « Les membres du conseil d’aministration de l’Association canadienne de soccer se joindrent par moi pour souligner votre qualification pour les Jeux olympiques. Nous sommes tres fière de votre performance qui rejaillit sur l’ensemble de la communauté canadienne de soccer et vous souhaitons tous le succès voulu lors de ces Jeux. »

Canadian Soccer Association Awards

The Canadian Soccer Association has announced its 2008 award winners. Recognised this weekend are President’s Award (outstanding and unique efforts for an extended period of time), the Award of Merit (significant contribution to soccer), the Ray Morgan Memorial Award (referee progress at national and international levels) and the International Achievement Award (five-consecutive years on FIFA List of Referees and Assistant Referees).

“The Association is proud to honour this year’s award winners,” says Canadian Soccer Association General Secretary Peter Montopoli. “Each and every one of them has made valuable contributions to the growth and development of our game.”

The 2008 Annual General Meeting press conference

Watch the Press Conference on demand!
Press Conference webcast
Soccer fans, members and media can watch the press conference from St. John’s, NL. The webcast features new Canadian Soccer Association president Dominic Maestracci, the general secretary Peter Montopoli, the men’s national-team head coach Dale Mitchell, and the Newfoundland Labrador Soccer Association president Doug Redmond.

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